DOI 10.34946/D6KS34
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This is a public facing preview of a project described here: (DAACH citation)
Data provenance and copyright:

Data Layers
  • Photogrammetry - Drone
  • Barnhart shapefiles Buildings | Rivers

  • Aerial LiDAR (zoom to extent)
    1. LiDAR Classified
    2. LiDAR Ground + Building
    3. Interpolated DEM
    4. Slope
    5. Red Relief Image Model
    6. Multi-Driectional Hillshade
  • Sites
  • Palacio - Drone SFM
  • Temple of the Inscriptions - TLS

  • Excavations at Group 4 Complex
    G4 2016 SFMG
      J7 Pyramid 2016 (zoom to extent)
    1. j7
    2. 400 L8
    3. 400 L9
    4. 400_L25_17
    5. 400 L33-34
    6. 400_23_feb
    7. esqueletos
      Burial 10 2022 (zoom to extent)
    1. j7
    2. 401 N45
    3. 401 N96
    4. 401 N105
    5. 401 N110
    6. Artifact 42
    7. 401 N115

    Airborn LiDAR data: R. Liendo Stuardo, Anthropological Research Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico; A. Campiani, Ancient World Studies, Sapienza University of Rome.

    2018 TLS and aerial IBM data: N. Lercari, LMU-Munich

    2016 IBM data: Proyecto Regional Palenque, R. Liendo Stuardo, Anthropological Research Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico.

    Buildings and rivers: modified and transformed after E. Barnhart (2001, a FAMSI-sponsored project)

    Funding: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement [No 839602]; the Hellman Family Fellows Award, University of California [2017], the Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT-UNAM) [Project Nr. I N404820]; and Conacyt [Project Nr. CF-2019 / 682138].

    LiDAR Dataset Acknowledgement: Lidar data acquisition and processing completed by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). NCALM funding provided by NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program. EAR-1830734

    Models by
    Arianna Campiani | Nicola Lercari
    Atasta Flores Esquivel | Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo|
    Mirko De Tomassi

    Aerial LiDAR interpolation by IIA-UNAM Spatial Analysis Lab
    Gerardo Jiménez Delgado | Javier Lopez Mejía

    The 3D Atlas viewer is developed by
    Scott McAvoy
    Cultural Heritage Engineering Initiative
    CalIt2 | University of California San Diego

    Powered by Potree : Markus Schütz 2016